Oltrepò Food & Wine (Roma, 22/11/2021)

We will present a selection of our wines in Rome on Monday, November 22nd 2021 at Oltrepò Food & Wine, a grand tasting of the best food and wines produced in the province of Pavia. The event will be hosted at Grand Hotel & Spa Parco dei Principi (opening hours: 10:00 am-07:00 pm).

Admission to the event is free upon prior registration here.

The event has been created and developed by Pavia Chamber of Commerce, Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia with the help of Consorzio Tutela Vini Oltrepò Pavese, Distretto dei Vini di Qualità dell’Oltrepò Pavese, Consorzio Club del Buttafuoco Storico, CIA Pavia, Coldiretti Pavia, Confagricoltura Pavia, Assolombarda Pavia and FIPE Confcommercio.

For more information:
• +39.0382.393271; +39.0382.393237; +39.0382.393380
• e-mail: paviasviluppo@pv.camcom.it

Name of the event: Oltrepò Food & Wine
When: November 22nd 2021
Where: Rome
Location of the event: Grand Hotel & Spa Parco dei Principi
Address: Via Gerolamo Frescobaldi, 5
Opening hours: from 10:00 am to 07:00 pm
Information: +39.0382.393271; +39.0382.393237; +39.0382.393380 or paviasviluppo@pv.camcom.it
Registration to the event:  https://docs.google.com/forms